Monday, July 29, 2013


izakaya 7 min walk from the inn
     During the JWU program, UCEAP had us stayed at the SUGAMO WEEKLY MANSION FLEXSTAY INN. The place was pretty easy to find, all i had to do was follow the map UCEAP mailed me. The flexstay inn was only about 10 min walk from the SUGAMO JR line or SUGAMO METRO LINE. 
   Sugamo seems like a very peaceful place, there's a pizza hutt right at the corner of the inn, and a lawson (it's like 7 eleven in US) just 1 min away from the inn. OH! and the best part of it is that there's a really cheap supermarket, SEIYU, only 10 min walk away from the inn! I got bentos for 200-400yen before~ And the bakery there usually goes on sale around 9pm? The sandwitchs, however, neverrrr goes on sale :(....


 The room, however, was a lot smaller than i imagined. The pathway was so tiny that if someone lays down there i probably won't be able to walk by without stepping on him/her :(. They do provide you with cups, some super tiny spoon, water boiler, and a tiny tray.

I never noticed how spoiled i was until i got there:(. I'm so used to  american houses, and the big rooms/ tables back in my UCI dorm and house T_T. The table at Weekly Mansion was so small that i don't even have room to study and put all my books on the table! Most of us just walk to the close by all you can drink restaurants like Jonathans to study there.
However, there is one thing i'd like to add. UCEAP Center people are super duper nice. If you every run into any problems, just e-mail them or call them and they usually respond within a business day. :)


" Are you sure you can make it.. it's really early you know. If you can't make it it's okay, i know you don't usually get up till 11am..."
"Naa... ever since i started working i don't sleep that late anymore. I can make it."

I'm so glad i didn't have to go to the airport alone, and i had someone there waiting for the plane with me :)

morning flight or afternoon flight?
originally i booked my flight on 27th flying from Taipei, Taiwan to Tokyo Haneda airport,but since there was this really amazing concert in taipei i really wanted to go to [嚴爵@台北小巨蛋], i changed my flight last minute the day of and changed it to 28th 7.45am flight.
This means that i have to get up around 5.30 to get ready and head to songsan airport.

Am i scared? kind of.
did i pack everything? i hope.
am i worried if i'm gonna get lost when i get there? extremely.

After i arrived, i purchased the subway ticket from haneda airport 羽田機場 京港線to 大門 for 550 yen, and changed subway to 大江戶線, and got off at 六本木. Everything was pretty much self explanatory, i was lucky i studied in Taiwan when i was a kid, so i could understand and read most of the kanji. I didn't have to wait long for each train to stop by, and the whole process was quicker than expected.

I headed to 渋谷 after i had 美登利@ akasaka bitz tower (( It was only 100 yen since i took the bus from 赤坂小丁目(赤坂駛,赤坂駛下,三站後).) I stopped by big camera and got my very first phone in tokyo, which cost about 3000 yen, with monthly fee of 1680 yen. I had a super hard time figuring out what all those numbers meant, luckily the guy spoke fluent mandarin so he did a lot of translation for me. 3 hours later, i walked out the place with a brand new pink jap phone :). Even after i changed the language to English, the phone was still super hard to use. I actually deleted my first msg ever from i have no idea whoooo that night at 10pm. Accidentally of course T_T, while trying to figure out what was in the text...

my cheap and cute pink flip phone ;)