Monday, July 29, 2013


" Are you sure you can make it.. it's really early you know. If you can't make it it's okay, i know you don't usually get up till 11am..."
"Naa... ever since i started working i don't sleep that late anymore. I can make it."

I'm so glad i didn't have to go to the airport alone, and i had someone there waiting for the plane with me :)

morning flight or afternoon flight?
originally i booked my flight on 27th flying from Taipei, Taiwan to Tokyo Haneda airport,but since there was this really amazing concert in taipei i really wanted to go to [嚴爵@台北小巨蛋], i changed my flight last minute the day of and changed it to 28th 7.45am flight.
This means that i have to get up around 5.30 to get ready and head to songsan airport.

Am i scared? kind of.
did i pack everything? i hope.
am i worried if i'm gonna get lost when i get there? extremely.

After i arrived, i purchased the subway ticket from haneda airport 羽田機場 京港線to 大門 for 550 yen, and changed subway to 大江戶線, and got off at 六本木. Everything was pretty much self explanatory, i was lucky i studied in Taiwan when i was a kid, so i could understand and read most of the kanji. I didn't have to wait long for each train to stop by, and the whole process was quicker than expected.

I headed to 渋谷 after i had 美登利@ akasaka bitz tower (( It was only 100 yen since i took the bus from 赤坂小丁目(赤坂駛,赤坂駛下,三站後).) I stopped by big camera and got my very first phone in tokyo, which cost about 3000 yen, with monthly fee of 1680 yen. I had a super hard time figuring out what all those numbers meant, luckily the guy spoke fluent mandarin so he did a lot of translation for me. 3 hours later, i walked out the place with a brand new pink jap phone :). Even after i changed the language to English, the phone was still super hard to use. I actually deleted my first msg ever from i have no idea whoooo that night at 10pm. Accidentally of course T_T, while trying to figure out what was in the text...

my cheap and cute pink flip phone ;)

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