Sunday, April 13, 2014

たいめんけんomrice! :)

 located: nihonbashi, c4 exit
Kept wanting to try this place after seeing 朝日テルビ reporting it on TV. The reporter just kept saying " OIshii~~" "UMMM!!" the whole time when she was eating that omrice. I seriously thought she was bluffing when she said the wait is usually about two to three hours during weekdays/weekends. But nope.. she's telling the truth.. you know what's crazier? I actually waited in line for three hours for that omrice -__---~

 Just wanted to take some pictures of the interior. The whole time when i was eating i was literally staring at the people in line around the corner. It's not like i want to. It's more like they kept looking in so i had no choice but to look back at times.. and secretly feel bad for them because i know they have at least a good 20 or 15 minutes to go before they can enjoy their yummy omrice...

now.. the omrice. It is AMAZING in a way that it's so.. raw on the inside but so cooked on the outside. I got the タンポポオムライス 1950yen without knowing what 伊丹十三風 is.. turns out it was just ketchup.. Now here comes the exciting part....
 you see..??
 gotta cut them slowly (it's sooo hardd to cut thru them because of the texture.. it's just way too soft ;/ )..

 ta-da!! than you unfold them on top of your rice.
Thats the proper way of eating them.. according to the lady who worked there..

now this was my friends beef version....
 obviously the only difference between the two was just that hers came with beef and beef stew sauce.. while mine just came with ketchup and had nothing in it...

日本〒103-0027 東京都中央区日本橋1丁目12−10

+81 3-3271-2465

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