Saturday, November 23, 2013


 ahhhhh 懐かしい〜〜〜
As a kid i remember getting on the bullet train ordering that sorbet and sharing it with my grandma ^3^~ cant believe they still sell those now!

trying to figure out my way to the hotel...

 small treats on the table :)

 our dinner :)
it's like a feast...
the lady came in like about two to three times to fix up our dinner for us. There was so much fooodddddd... she just kept cleaning and adding, and cleaning and adding...

the next morning.....
i walked out the room and saw the lady left our breakfast close to our room.. probably waiting up us to get up so she can get ready and set the table!

three person a room, 16800 yen per person.
two meals- dinner/breakfast


990 yen

<-- 790 yen
The menu was super duper confusing. Basically they have this big poster at the front when you walk in, and than you order yourself using the machine. On the poster, they have the 790 yen picture as the 990 yen picture, i didn't notice they actually wrote that the picture is not to scale on the bottom so i ordered the wrong thing >''<. Basically the difference between the 790 and 990 is that the 990 yen one has 1 egg, and comes with chicken.

They have black and brown base for tsukemen; my friend had the black one it tasted.. very interesting, and my brown one was just chicken soup broth :).

店名二丁目つけめん GACHI(にちょうめつけめん がち)
所在地東京都 新宿区新宿2-17-10 黒岩ビル 1F

Friday, November 22, 2013

Roppongi Midtown Xmas Night View

Apparently this is what midtown usually look like in late nov to december ;) I remember reading the banner on the denshya saying that the midtown view ends on dec 26 :(. Which is veryyy sad considering my friend arrives on the 27th... I was lucky i went early, like in the first couple of days when they started this Xmas night view thing so there weren't as many people. I went again couple days after and there was a hugeeee line and a bunch of couples holding hands enjoying the view... 

If any of you guys do come in december, do not forget to check out the midtown XMas view~ it's breath taking and the xmas show built towards Ritz Carlton area is just amazing! I wish i video taped it so i could upload it.. but i didn't want to block people behind me so i wasn't able to take a video of it..

日本皇宮 (二重橋站)

We came at a pretty bad time when the president of Japan, 大統領, was coming over. Basically had to wait on the side for them to pass... I randomly took photos of people near by who were standing, like me, waiting for the President to pass... Notice the number of police cars that traveled with him....

From what i heard from my Japanese friends, this place is usually pretty laid back, and numerous people comes over in the morning for a morning jog ^_^~