Saturday, November 23, 2013


 ahhhhh 懐かしい〜〜〜
As a kid i remember getting on the bullet train ordering that sorbet and sharing it with my grandma ^3^~ cant believe they still sell those now!

trying to figure out my way to the hotel...

 small treats on the table :)

 our dinner :)
it's like a feast...
the lady came in like about two to three times to fix up our dinner for us. There was so much fooodddddd... she just kept cleaning and adding, and cleaning and adding...

the next morning.....
i walked out the room and saw the lady left our breakfast close to our room.. probably waiting up us to get up so she can get ready and set the table!

three person a room, 16800 yen per person.
two meals- dinner/breakfast

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