Saturday, November 23, 2013


990 yen

<-- 790 yen
The menu was super duper confusing. Basically they have this big poster at the front when you walk in, and than you order yourself using the machine. On the poster, they have the 790 yen picture as the 990 yen picture, i didn't notice they actually wrote that the picture is not to scale on the bottom so i ordered the wrong thing >''<. Basically the difference between the 790 and 990 is that the 990 yen one has 1 egg, and comes with chicken.

They have black and brown base for tsukemen; my friend had the black one it tasted.. very interesting, and my brown one was just chicken soup broth :).

店名二丁目つけめん GACHI(にちょうめつけめん がち)
所在地東京都 新宿区新宿2-17-10 黒岩ビル 1F

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